UBER pricing | Int5 |
Base fare | 42 INR |
Booking fee | 0 INR |
Cost per min | 1.58 INR |
Cost per km | 15.75 INR |
Min. charge | 210 INR |
Cancel. fee | 42 INR |
Presented below taxi rates and fares are estimates. The actual numbers for your taxi rates and fares in Ferozepur, Punjab, India may differ.
Taxi Class | |
int5 | |
Approx. examples | |
Analog of Int5 | |
Price category | |
Initial fee |
50.40 INR |
Cost per min |
1.90 INR |
Cost per km |
18.90 INR |
Airport fees |
‡Varies |
Below taxi fares factor in both cost per distance and cost per time. Time in calculation is used as average needed for trips of corresponding distance.
Distance, km |
Estim. fare |
3 | 113.90 INR |
4 | 135.10 INR |
5 | 156.30 INR |
6 | 177.50 INR |
7 | 198.70 INR |
8 | 219.80 INR |
9 | 241.00 INR |
Distance, km |
Estim. fare |
10 | 262.20 INR |
15 | 368.10 INR |
20 | 474.00 INR |
25 | 579.90 INR |
30 | 685.80 INR |
40 | 897.60 INR |
50 | 1,109.40 INR |
Calcuate a taxi fare in Ferozepur
or check city routes
Note: actual prices for Uber, Lyft, and other taxi services can be slightly different from calculated fares.
by sergeyo